I myself have been living here in 2019 and it was a total mess with insurance, to be honest. When I moved back to Mallorca in 2021 I contacted Pasquale, and it has been so easy with all my insurances and personal assistence. I highly recommend you to contact Pasquale no matter you live here or come here often. He will solve everything for you very quick and snap. A little info:
Pasquale Specchio is an insurance agent and financial advisor optimizing insurance solutions for companies and individuals located or with financial interests in Spain & Mallorca.He is the owner of a small insurance agency servicing Scandinavian, Italian, American and Spanish customers. His focus everyday is on his clients, what they need, and what will bringthem one step closer to reach their overall goals. In collaboration with Generali Seguros and his clients to obtain the absolute best solutions tocover their personal or private interests against financial loss. Every solution is based on aprofessional consultation which is carried out by phone or in person and later you continue withthe same assistance in further consultations or in episodes of claims. This gives you a fast andcorrect assistance in all cases.The mission of Generali Seguros is to provide their clients with the best insurance solutions to cover risks for unnecessary loss. Pasquale teaches businesses how to cover themselves properly against loss. With Pasquale´s expertise, clients can achieve a highly personalized insurance and financial solutions with an extraordinary continually service provided.
Pasquale learned his specialties, Insurance solutions, Pension Plans, Mutual Funds and many other financial instruments from being mentored and taught from Insurance and Financial professionals from all over the world. Pasquale is well-versed in:
✓ Life Insurance ✓ Health Insurance ✓ Disability Insurance ✓ Property Insurance ✓ Marine Insurance ✓ Aviation Insurance ✓ Liability Insurance ✓ Auto Insurance ✓ Agricultural Insurance ✓ Pension Plans ✓ Mutual Funds
If you are interested to work with an expert in Insurance and Pensions, contact Pasquale at:
Phone/whatsapp: +34 639268780 – Email:pasquale.specchio@generalimediadores.es
Web: https://www.generali.es/en/agente/paqualespecchio